How to Get Hardened Caramel Out Of Carpet

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How to Get Hardened Caramel Out Of Carpet 

Caramel has a very delicious taste to it along with the sweetness. Kids love the candies it makes and the syrup you can buy to put on your ice cream or pancakes in the morning. Kids and even adults will definitely mess up and get some of it on the carpet and to get hardened caramel out of a carpet without the right techniques can damage your carpet.

This article will provide you with a step-by-step guy on how to remove the caramel from your carpet whether it is hardened or soft. I have used this method before so I guarantee you that your carpet will be caramel free when you are done. 

Tools Needed To Remove The Caramel:

  • Small Cleaning Container 
  • Spoon
  • Butter knife 
  • Dish soap 
  • Toothbrush 
  • Microfiber Cloth

Steps To Take:

1. The first thing you need to do is remove everything from the area where the caramel has spilled and ensure it hasn’t got on anything thing else.

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2. Fill the cleaning container halfway with warm to hot water and use a cup and pour some on the area that has the hardened caramel on your carpet. Let the warm water soak the area until you feel the caramel getting soft.

3. Once the caramel is soft enough, you can use the spoon and scoop up and large chunks that is there. Once you removed the large chunks, use the butter knife and scrape out as much of the caramel that is remaining. If you feel the caramel getting hard, add some more warm water to it.

4. To completely get the caramel out of the fibers in the carpet. You need to add some dawn dish soap in the cleaning container and wet the toothbrush and brush the area clean. Once you have done that wet a microfiber cloth and wipe the area clean.


How To Remove Wet Caramel From Your Carpet 

Wet caramel is caramel that is still wet and watery. This is the best time to clean it off any surface if it is spilled. The method below is how you get it out of your carpet if it is just spilled.

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Tools Needed:

  • Spoon
  • Butter knife 
  • Cleaning cloth 
  • Rubbing alcohol 

Steps to take:

1. The first thing you need to do is use the spoon and scoop up as much of the caramel as you can. If the caramel is sticking to the spoon add some flour to it.

2. Once you have gotten the majority of the caramel out of the carpet. Use the butter knife and scrape everything together and wipe it up with a piece of paper towel.

3. Now you need to clean the area with rubbing alcohol by pouring a small amount on the area or spraying it.

4 Once you did that, wet a microfiber cloth and wipe the area with it until it is clean. Your carpet should be caramel free now and no ants will come near it.

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Final Thoughts: 

The best way to get caramel out of your carpet is to clean it up as soon as possible. This will prevent it from slowly getting too deep in the carpet and breaking the fibers or breaking down the glue that holds everything together.

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