10 Effective Ways to Get Fish Smell Off Your Hands

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How to Get Fish Smell Off Hands

Getting fish smell on your hands can be one of the worse feelings because you know the fishy odor will remain on them for a long period of time if you do not get it off somehow. This article plans to show you the best and most useful ways to get that fish smell off your hands.

If you are at the beach, you will need to be home to do these methods and make sure to clean up the environment where you had the fish. If you had the fish at home clean the area where you had the fish so that you do not get your hands dirty again with the fish smell.

cooked fried fish on plate

1. Use A Gloves

The best way to get fish smell off your hands is by preventing it from ever happening. Many of us use our bare hands to clean fish and chicken but this is not a good practice. You can spread bacteria from your hands to the meat and the fish bones shouldn’t get the chance to stab you because it can cause an infection.

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My gloves have burst before when cleaning or preparing fish and some of the juice got on my hands but if you can double your gloves then you stand a better chance of not getting that smelly fish on your hands.


2. Using Baking Soda To Get Fish Smell Off Hands

Baking soda is one of the best products to use to remove odors from any surface whether it is your carpets or your hands it can get the odor off. There are two ways you can use baking soda to get the fish smell off your hands.

One way is to add some warm water into a container then pour half a cup of baking soda into it and wash your hands in the water for a minute or two.

The other way is to pour the baking soda on your hands and rub them together and let it sit on your hands for 3-5 minutes then wash your hands off with some soap. You can always repeat the cleaning process if you still smell a slightly fishy odor

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3. Using Stainless Steel To Clean Your Hands

Using stainless steel to get the fishy smell of your hands still surprises me to this day. Somehow when you rub your hands against the stainless steel for a few minutes it slowly removes the fish smell from your hands. 

But this method can take some time so I recommend doing the other methods. You can always try this method if you feel to have some fun removing the fish odor.


4. Tomato Paste/Ketchup To Remove Fish Smell

We all know that tomato paste removes the skunk smell from you when you soak your body into it. Well, ketchup and tomato paste are basically the same but one is much thicker and has in fewer ingredients. 

If you do not have the tomato paste at home you can always use some ketchup and soak your hands in it for a few minutes and then wash your hands off with some dawn dish soap.

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5. Toothpaste On Your Hands

Toothpaste is the next best way to get fish smell off your hands. What works best is whitening toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. The toothpaste has a strong odor to it that will cover up the fish smell if you rub your hands together with toothpaste on it.

When you are going to add the toothpaste to your hands add no more than an inch of toothpaste and rub them together and wash your hands off under the kitchen or bathroom sink.


6. How To Get Fish Smell Off Your Hands With Lemon Juice 

In my perspective lemon juice is the best way to get the smell of the fish off your hands. Growing up I was thought to actually add lemon or lime juice to fish to help cut the fish odor from it and it even helps to give the fish a better flavor.

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There is a trick that I use every time to get the most juice out of the lemon or lime. Placing the lime or lemon in the microwave for 10-20 seconds will make you get twice the juice to wash your hands off with.

Simply just squeeze out the lemon juice on your hands and massage them it in for 2-3 minutes then wash your hands off. Your hands should now smell clean and fish free.


7. How To Get Fish Smell Off Your Hands With Coffee

If you love the smell of coffee brewing in the mornings then you will love the smell it gives your hands when you use it to get the fish smell off your hands. Whether you have coffee beans that you can smash and make a powder or the powder itself your hands will smell so good after doing this method.

Get a small bowl that can fit both of your hands in and add coffee powder to it then some warm water and wash your hands off in the water. 

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Just doing this for a few seconds is enough to remove the fish odor for good off your hands. When you are done wash your hands off with clean water from the kitchen faucet.


8. Using Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a great way to both clean your hands and remove the fish odor. For the past 2 years, we have used a lot of hand sanitizer so you much have a bottle at home. Some sanitizers have a small amount of bleach in them that is safe for your hands so it will remove the smell quite easily.

What I found works best is if you wash your hands off with dish soap first, dry them then apply the hand sanitizer on your hand and allow them to dry on it. Doing this will remove the fish smell off your hands.


9. Using Baby Wipes To Remove Fishy Smell

Baby wipes are similar to hand sanitizer but it doesn’t have blanch in it. It will have a small percentage of alcohol in it that will remove the fish smell off your hands if you wipe your hands off with a few sheets. 

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All you need to do is wash your hands off clean first then use the wipes or baby wipes and wipe your hands off and you are done. If you still smell a slight fish smell on your hands, use more sheets of wipes to wipe your hands off.


10. Essential Oil On Your Hands 

An essential oil should be a must in every house because it can literally make your house smell like anything you want it to smell like. The best essential oil aroma to use to get the fish smell off your hands is peppermint, cinnamon, coffee, and lavender.

All you need to do is wash your hands off properly first with some dish soap and then add no more than 5 drops of essential oil to your hands and wash it off after a few hours.

Conclusion :

In closing, you should try to prevent this from happening to you in the first place by not just putting on 1 pair of gloves but two so that if one gets a hole you have another on to protect you.

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The method I recommended to use is the lemon juice became you can use it to help clean the fish to give it a better flavor plush wash and clean both your hands and the kitchen sink to remove the fish smell.

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