How to Organize Pots And Pans In 9 Different Ways

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How to Organize Pots And Pans

Pot and pans are a necessity to our in our life. We buy pots and pans if we see a good deal on them or if you see one and think you might use it one day. That habit will have you end up in this situation where you have organized them or get rid of some.

They are plenty of ways to organize your pots and pans in your kitchen cabinets, kitchen walls, and other places that you would have never thought of. Now let me show you how to organize your pots and pans.


9 Ways On How To Organize Pots And Pans In A Small kitchen

Below will be a list of the 10 different ways you can organize your pots and pans in your kitchen if it is small, if it’s a regular size kitchen, or you just want to organize your pots. Here is a link on how to organize a small kitchen.

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1. Rearrange Your Cabinet Pot Drawer

Just putting in the pots in the cabinet drawer will eventually make it seem things cannot fit. Rearrange the drawer by placing small pots into larger pots and place them according to their sizes. If you have a pantry as I do, take some of the largest pots and pans and place them there. You will see the big differences this will make.


2. Store Pots And Pans In Your Oven

This trick to having more space to store pots and pans is a Caribbean culture thing. They place most of their cooking pots and pans in the oven. To make it fit, they organize them from the largest to the smallest and place them into each other. This is an amazing idea to make more space in your kitchen or in the cabinets. You just take out the pots and use the oven then place them back when you are done.

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3. Tention Rods

Yes tension rods, the same tension rods you see in your bathroom or closet hanging your clothes on. The way this can work is by using hooks on the tension rod to hang pots or pans. Just find the area you want to hang it and hang your pot. You can even use them inside of your cabinets if it has enough height and width.


4. Rearrange Your Kitchen Cabinet

food items in cabinet

This might surprise you but, rearranging your entire cabinet can allow you to make more space to add more pots and pans. You can get rid of empty bottles, and expired food and just place things in the right order and you will find space where you can place 5 to 6 different pots and pans. You can use the upper shelves of your kitchen cabinets to make that space.


5. Hanging Your Pots And Pans

A lot of times we have empty walls in our kitchen that we can make more use out of. On Amazon, they sell a lot of hooks that stick to the wall that can hold up to 5 pounds and you won’t do any drilling at all. Buy a few of these hooks and I can guarantee you that you will see more space for your pots and pans.

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6. Get Rid Of Unused Pots

We all love target, when we go into it we tend to come out with things we say we will use one day. This includes pots and pans if you go now and look in your cabinets or pantry shelves. You will see a pot that you haven’t used in months or pots with the bottom burnt. Get rid of these pots and make space for the pots and pans you use on a regular basis.


7. Use Pan Organize 

A lot of people don’t know that pan organizer’s existed, this was a shock to me as well. They are designed to take up the least amount of space but hold a lot of pots and pans. They are in different styles and colors to suit you. Link to some above.


8. Make a DIY Drawer Divider

You might have a drawer in your kitchen cabinet, but it is not wide enough to lay the pots flat. There is a simple drawer divider that you can buy on Amazon and lengthen it to the desired width and height that you want. It is that simple, here is a link to some affordable drawer dividers. You can also buy this sheet of plastic and cut it to whatever shape you need it to be.

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9. Build, Buy Or Use Spare Pantry 

Organize pantry

At some point, every drawer and space in your kitchen will be full. If you have a pantry use it to organize your pots and pans, but if you don’t have one you will need to buy and build one. You can get some on Amazon at a very good price but will require you to assemble them. Your next option is to just get a carpenter to build one. Having a pantry will also allow you to store more food and buy more things in bulk.

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