How to Make Your House Smell Good

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How to Make Your House Smell Good

Everyone wants to make their house smell good all day long. If you have kids, pets, and mold that can cause your house to not smell good. I love the smell of my house when I open the door after a long day at work and I will show you how to make your house smell good all day long in 11 different ways.


How to Make Your House Smell Good Natural

The methods below are methods to make your house smell good naturally without you using any chemicals.

1) Stove Top Recipes

One of the easiest ways to make your entire house smell spectacular is by making your own stovetop recipes. You can make it with anything you have in your refrigerator or what you have in your fruit basket—lemons, Oranges, Or pineapple.

This method is so customizable; I usually use Mint, Tyme, Oranges, Lemon, Vanilla, and cinnamon. Get a large enough pot and add enough water in it to cover what you choose to put in it. Let it come to a boil and add all your ingredients. Let it boil for 15 minutes and turn it off; the fragrance will spread all over your house. You can do this even when you cook, which makes it super easy to do.

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2) Vacuuming pet hair

You might not think that this will make your home have a little odor, but you’re wrong. We get used to any odor that we are around long enough, and only others can smell them.

Sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet and other areas and just vacuum it up. You will instantly feel the difference in the air on how clean it feels.


3) Cigarette Odor

Cigarette odor is hard to get rid of, you might decide to stop smoking, but the odor will always be in your car or house. This brilliant method will gradually remove the odor from your house day by day without you doing anything. Pour some apple cider vinegar into a bowl and leave it, this will neutralize the cigarette odor over time.

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4) Opening windows when you can

During the summer, it can be really hot, and we will have the AC blasting right through the day. This will prevent fresh air from entering your home, which will make the air feel stale. During fall when it’s cooler, you can open your windows and give the house some fresh air when you can.

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5) Vinegar To Remove Odor

Next time you clean the toilet, use vinegar. Pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet tank to kill bacteria, mold, and germs. This will even help remove any odor that your toilet may have inside and will leave it smelling fresh. Just leave the vinegar in the tank for 10 minutes and then give it a few flushes. If you smell the vinegar odor after you are done and you don’t like it, just add a few drops of essential oil to the tank, and the vinegar odor will be gone.


How to Make Your House Smell Good Without Candles

Below are methods you can use to make your house smell good without the use of candles.

6) Gain fireworks

Get a larger jar or whatever you have and pour just a little warm water in the bottom of it, just enough that when you pour the gain fireworks in it, only what’s on the bottom will get wet.

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The gain will eventually soak up the entire water and remain moist and will not dissolve. This method will allow the gain to keep the aroma longer. Place this anywhere in your house, and it will have it smelling amazing, especially when you just get home and open the door.



7) Car vent clip

If your back door doesn’t have an electrical outlet, you can simply get a car vent clip and place it on the vent or hide it anywhere you can. This is the beauty of these; you can put them anywhere you feel like.


8) Emptying Trash Bags

Each time you put in a new trash bag when you take out the garbage, place a cotton ball at the bottom of it with a few drops of vanilla extract on it. Whenever you add garbage to it, it seems the vanilla activates more.


9) Changing Air Filter

This tip is for those who mostly live in a studio apartment or a basement. Having an air filter helps so much with the purity of the air if you don’t have a lot of windows to open or you cant open them for a period of time because of the weather or whatsoever.

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If you have seasonal allergies, this will help a lot too because less dust will be in the air for you to breathe in and cause you to sneeze every 5 minutes.


10) Wallflower plugs

They say first impressions last. So each time someone comes to your house, they should smell a wonderful aroma, and Wallflower Plugin works great from Bath And Body Works.

Place these at the main entrance and exit of your home. The front door, kitchen door, or anywhere you feel needs it the most. The most effective areas are the front door; you will have people falling in love with your home.


Using Candles to Make Your House Smell Good

11) Scented Candles

You either can light a candle when you need it the most, especially when cooking fish, or each morning when you wake just light a candle and leave it to burn for a few hours and this will have your home smelling amazing.

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What I realize is, that it also gives you a better feeling throughout the day as well. You will get more done and all that.


12) Using Plants Plants in Your House

Having plants in your house helps to keep the air fresher because it’s a natural detoxifier. Make sure to do your research first, Some plants don’t need a lot of water or sunlight, so those would work perfectly in your house. It also gives your house a natural look and a natural feeling if you’re into that.


This is a list of some of the items I use in my house to clean, which are affordable as well. They all make cleaning much easier for me and even faster. I recommend you use these. List of affiliate links below.

Automatic Soap Dispenser
To Use Less Liquid Soap
Swiffer Wet Jet
Clean Your Floors Faster
Microfiber Mop
Clean The Walls In Your House Easier
Sponge Mop
For Cleaning Windows Or Stains Off Wall
Hand Vacuum
To Clean Your Sofa, Car Seat, Bed ETC
Electric Drill
To Use With Product Below
Drill Brush
To Clean And Polish Furniture, Grout Joint, Toilet, Car

Also a page of Everything Household Products I normally  search for

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